Living Fence Collection - full sun 6 Seed Packets

Living Fence Collection - full sun

6 Seed Packets

In Stock


Sun Exposure
Full, Partial
Soil Moisture
Medium-Wet, Medium, Medium-Dry, Dry
Bloom Time
June, July, August, September, October
Bloom Color
White, Yellow, Purple
Pollinator Favorite: butterflies, moths, bees, wasps, beetles
Bird Favorite: seeds, insects, fruit, nectar, nesting, perch
Deer Resistant
Recommended for home landscaping but potentially aggressive; could overwhelm small landscapes
USDA Zones
Catalog Code

Makes a great gift! Stately and vibrant, these natives will quickly create a dense blockade of plants. The towering species, renowned for their colonizing tendencies, are best sown in a site where they can spread freely. Growing heights exceed 6 feet tall. An ideal option for a permanent, pollinator-supporting snow barrier! 

A Seed Packet Collection is packaged in a stylish 6.75” x 4.5,” resealable paper envelope with illustrated depictions of the 6 species inside; beautiful enough to frame!

The Living Fence Collection - full sun includes 6 species, 1 seed packet of each:

For a naturalized look, combine all seed packets to cover approximately 30-35 sq ft. Surface sow outdoors on a weed-free site in late fall. Mow the first growing season. Expect first blooms in year 2 or 3.
Alternatively, sow seed in rows in a garden setting in late fall. In spring, thin seedlings and weed as expected with vegetable gardening. Transplant to permanent locations that fall or the following spring.

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For more information and seed starting instruction, check the back of individual species packets or visit our blog How-to-Germinate-Native-Seeds.

Also check out our other Seed Packet Collections!

*A note on Cup Plant - it is a vigorous plant and can be invasive when planted outside of its historic regions. Check the RANGE MAP tab to see if this species is historically native to your state. If your state shows blue-green coloring instead of lime green, this species is best not planted there. It is listed as noxious (pink) in NY and CT.