Sales & Consulting

Jesse stumbled upon Prairie Moon Nursery while he was looking to reconnect with nature for his career path. The stars lined up and now Jesse can use his years of customer service and sales experience to help our guests make the world a more hospitable place for native species.
Jesse and his wife Alyssa moved from WI to Portland, OR then back again in a 93 Chevy G20 Conversion Van. They got a taste of what permaculture and restoration agriculture had to offer and fell in love. He learned about living soil and how the soil is so important to life on earth. Combining these growing methods with native plant species Jesse hopes to replicate a full working ecosystem based on a silvo-pasture farming system.
When he is not at work Jesse and Alyssa go on many camping trips and adventures in the van to see all the neat things nature has to offer.
Favorite Native Plant: Sundial Lupine (Lupinus perennis subsp. perennis)
Secret Skills: Creative