Sales & Consulting

After starting a career in engineering and construction, Dale found his penchant for long woodland hikes and love of spring ephemerals led to his true calling among his fellow native plant nerds at Prairie Moon. Though an introvert who had never previously considered a sales position, he now knows learning and talking about plants all day is his dream job. From his past work, he brings an exacting mathematical level of detail to seed mixes and a “git ‘er done” attitude to your project.
After hours, you’ll most likely find Dale endlessly revising his nearby Driftless-area homestead landscape, but also hiking the river bluffs, canoeing the Mississippi backwaters, cooking an improvised dinner, or watching an obscure arthouse film with his wife and cats. Formerly a lifelong city boy, he now loves and appreciates the stillness of a rural valley, the sound of a babbling creek, and the movement of shadows on the far-off hillsides. He’s still getting used to howling coyotes, extreme darkness and gun shots though.
While you can always contact Dale for consulting and quote requests, he is also your guy for potted plant trays and Canadian shipments.